Soybean Scones

260g bread flour
110g cake flour
50g Polleney Soybean Powder
5 tsp baking powder
75g sugar
100g butter, cut into small pieces
1 egg (retain 1/4 for brushing)
120ml soy milk (30g Polleney Soybean Powder
mixed well with water)
1/4 tsp salt
60g raisins or dried cranberries, soaked in 40ml cold water till soft

1    Mix all powders and sugar. Add butter to rub into coarse powder.
2    Slowly add egg wash to mix well. Add soy milk, salt and raisins.
3    Mix well into a soft dough. Wrap with cling film to rest for 30 minutes.
4    Roll dough into a 2cm thickness with rolling pin. Press out 10 discs with a circular mould. Brush egg wash on the discs.
5    Bake in oven at 150°C for 15 to 20 minutes till golden brown.